Dakota Conference

Sharing the unchanging love of Jesus in a changing world.

K-12 Board of Education

The purpose of the Dakota Conference K-12 Board of Education shall be:

  • To assume general responsibility for long-range planning of the K-12 conference educational system.
  • To conform to the North American Division Working Policy and the Mid-America Union Education Code. 
  • To administer the educational program of the Conference pursuant to the constitution, bylaws, and working policies of the Board of Education. 
  • To assume, as delegated by the Executive Committee, the responsibility for the employment, assignment, transfer, retirement, termination, or dismissal of personnel in the Dakota Conference schools in K-12.
  • To develop a plan and formulate procedures designed to evaluate school personnel regularly and routinely. 
  • To arbitrate school-related appeals and grievances. 
  • To receive and consider applications from schools desiring to teach secondary subjects. 
  • To receive and consider applications from churches desiring to open a church school. 
  • To administer an annual budget for schools K-12, as voted by the Executive Committee.
  • To apply salary rates for all educational personnel within the wage scale policy of the Mid-America Union Conference.
  • To approve annual school calendars meeting state and Union Conference Board of Education requirements. 
  • To evaluate facility needs in terms of pupil population projections and to develop an overall long-range plan for erecting new facilities, renovating and/or remodeling existing schools.
  • To evaluate recommendations of the Dakota Conference superintendent(s) of education regarding new schools and/or consolidation of existing schools. 
  • To appoint subcommittees (standing or ad-hoc) as needed. Subcommittees may include, but are not limited to: DAA finance, DAA personnel and policies, DAA building and grounds, and DAA advancement. Dakota Conference officers and educational superintendent(s) shall be members, ex officio to all subcommittees, with full voting privileges.

Above taken from the Constitution & Bylaws of the Dakota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.


Dakota K-12 Board of Education Members

*Member because of position


Vernon Herholdt*

Chair | President


Jason Logan*

Secretariat | VP of Administration


Richard Ray*

VP of Finance


Barb Christensen

Sioux Falls Adventist Church, SD
Sioux Falls Region


Erik Christenson

Manfred Adventist Church, ND
Jamestown Region


Kris de Bruin

Mandan Adventist Church, ND
ND Pastor | Bismarck Region


Ben Dossenko

Dakota Adventist Academy Church, ND
Bismarck Region


​Pam Fenton*

Bismarck Adventist Church, ND
DAA Vice Principal


​Sarah Gill

Bowdle Adventist Church, SD
Aberdeen Region


​Jamie Howell

Rapid City Adventist Church, SD
SD Teacher | Rapid City Region


Christina Masich

Mandan Adventist Church, ND
Bismarck Region

MAUC Representative*

Lincoln, NE
Mid-America Union Conference

Eden McLeod

Turtle Lake Adventist Church, ND
Minot Region


Mitch Merkel

Ellendale Adventist Church, ND
Aberdeen Region


Sathiya Raman*

DAA Adventist Church, ND
DAA Principal 



George Shaver

Aberdeen Adventist Church, SD
SD Pastor | Aberdeen Region


Elisa Shumaker

Sioux Falls Adventist Church, SD
Sioux Falls Region


Lynnette Struntz*

Bismarck Adventist Church, ND
Education Superintendent



Kelli Wasemiller

Rapid City Adventist Church, SD
Rapid City Region


Robin Weisz

Goodrich Adventist Church, ND
Bismarck Region


Janna Wright

Invitation Hill Adventist Church, ND
ND Teacher | Dickinson Region


Dakota K-12 Board of Education Invitees



Neil Biloff**

Alumni Representative
DAA/PVA/SRA Alumni President


Jodi Dossenko**

DAA Adventist Church, ND
Communication Director


Eric Garrett**

Dakota Adventist Academy Church, ND
DAA Plant Services Director
**Serves on Building & Grounds
Sub-committee only


Jann Gentry**

Spearfish Adventist Church, SD
DAA Development Director


Ted Struntz**

Bismarck Adventist Church, ND
Youth & Young Adults Director



All Dakota Conference department directors are invitees to board meetings.